Elemental Alchemy Oracle
About the Deck
⋆ This deck is designed to be used for self connections and guidance from the Elements. This deck is meant to trigger your own thoughts and messages for each card.
⋆ Each element will contain 25 different cards connected to different aspects of connections and blockages with said element, allowing you to connect with the magic of the fifth element, sprint, to aid you and work though the energy, connections and blockages of each element.
⋆ A tool for deep reflection and even shadow work. This deck will have a multitude of possible uses and I cannot wait to share more of it with you all.
⋆ Work with the Elements. Connect with the Cards. Unlock your magic.
⋆ The Elemental Alchelmy Oracle is both down to earth and simple to use.
With the Guidebook, you will gain a deeper insight to the meaning of the cards.
-Each Card is traditional tarot size - 2.75" x 4.75" and comes in a full color box bookstyle with Guidebook for easy storage and travel.
✨ 100 Card deck with 9 additional spread cards
✨ Bookstyle magnetic box with pullout ribbon
Elemental Alchemy Oracle
Designs and Descriptions created by
Joseph Benitez
-Grounded By The Moon-
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